Pop up Exhibition of Art and Sculpture

               The 28th - 30th of August 2021.

Saturday 11.00am - 4.00pm

Sunday     1.00pm - 4.00pm

Monday  11.00am  - 4.00pm

                This 2021 Exhibition features, at its core, original paintings by Orford Etcher, Author, Lawyer and Painter, Michael Flint.

Artists Exhibiting:

Michael Flint

Nicola Atchley, Etchings

Caro Burberry, Sculpture

Geraldine Gerard, Ceramics (In memoriam)

Marjoke Henrichs Paintings

Antonia Hockton Sculpture

Craig Hudson Sculpture

Ed Murray Sculpture

Meryem Siemmond Sculpture

                                                 The Great House Gallery, Church Street, Orford. IP12 2NT
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